Al-Andalus: videos, summary and glossary
The expansion of Islam Between the 7 th and 9 th centuries, Muslims in the name of the new Islamic religion, conquered a great empire, which stretched from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic. The Islamic Empire was ruled by a Caliph, who was helped by a number of officials. The evolution of Al-Andalus The conquest of Hispania happened quickly (711–718) because the Muslims took advantage of disputes between the Visigothic nobility and signed pacts of surrender with them. Al-Andalus became a dependent emirate of Damascus (718–756) and established its capital in Córdoba. Abd al-Rahman I of the Umayya dynasty created the independent emirate (756–929). Abd al-Rahman III broke his religious obedience to the caliph of Bagdad and proclaimed the Caliphate of Córdoba (929–1031), which was the golden age of Al-Andalus. The division into taifas (1031–1248) weakened Al-Andalus, which was almost conquered by the Christian kingdoms in th...