
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2018

Vocabulary about the hydrosphere: fresh water and salt water

Hydrosphere: hidrosfera Water cycle: ciclo del agua: Surface water: agua superficial Groundwater: agua subterránea Salt water and fresh water: agua salada y agua dulce Scarce: escaso/a Beneath: debajo Salinity:  salinidad Ocean currents: corrientes oceánicas o marinas Tides: mareas Waves: olas River: río Stream: correinte Flow: caudal  Lake: lago Frozen: congelado/a Shallow: superficial Surround: rodear Enough: suficiente Watershed: vertiente https://pmm.nasa.gov/education/water-cycle

Quizs about relief, seas, rivers... (Flash player required)

Let's play and learn geography:  To start, something easy: continents and oceans Continents Oceans Mountain ranges of the world  Mountain Ranges Seas of the world Seas Rivers and lakes Rivers Lakes