
Mostrando entradas de 2020

The origin of the first Peninsular Kingdoms (8th-13th centuries)

 How the first kingdoms and counties were formed? During the 8th century, an army of Muslims invaded the Iberian Peninsula. Only two mountanious regions in the north resisted the invasion: Cordillera Cantábrica and Pyrenees. The Christian Kingdoms and counties began the Reconquest of the land occupied by the Muslims. Western focus In Asturias, a group of Hispano-Visigothic nobles and families, led by Pelagius, resisted the Muslims and refused to pay tributes to them (722, battle of Covadonga). This led to the creation of the Kingdom of Asturias , wich after expanding west (Galicia), east (Cantabria) and south, stablished its capital in Oviedo and recovered visigothic laws (IX century). Pyrenean region The counties that formed the Marca Hispanica in the Pyrenees were controlled by the Carolingian Empire. The Frankish emperor chose the nobles (counts and marquis) who ruled the territories. The counties gained independence from Frankish rule and became the counties of Aragón , the C...


What is feudalism? From the 10 th  and 11 th  centuries onwards, a new political, economic and social system called  feudalism appeared in western Europe. The monarchs, unable to defend and control their kingdoms, granted lands (fiefdoms) to nobles and clergy (feudal lords) to govern on their behalf. In exchange, these lords became their  vassals , pledged allegiance to them and provided them with military assistance. Society was divided into three estates . While the first two estates enjoyed all the privileges (the nobility and clergy), the third (peasants and artisans) had none and paid all the taxes. Feudal Society. Vicens-Vives The feudal monarchy The monarch sat at the top of the feudal pyramid and was considered chosen by God to govern society in his name. The Holy Roman Emperor was regarded by the Pope as the defender of  Christianity and the guardian of its unity. The nobility The nobility's primary social ...

Diseñamos un póster sobre la Europa Feudal

Vamos a diseñar un mural o póster sobre algunos aspectos de la Europa Feudal, y no lo vamos a hacer en una cartulina, sino con alguna herramienta digital: canva   mural glogster  Primero explicaremos su funcionamiento en clase, para que conozcáis lo básico. Yo he utilizado Canva, aunque también os dejo enlaces a tutoriales de todas, por si se os pasa algo. Tutorial canva  Tutorial mural Tutorial glogster Los temas sobre los que vamos a realizar nuestro mural son los siguientes: Los nobles: caballeros y damas La vida en un castillo medieval Los caballeros medievales y los torneos La vida en un monasterio medieval Los campesinos feudales: libres y siervos El nacimiento del románico y su expansión La cultura en la época del románico La arquitectura románica La pintura románica La escultura románica Se trata de hacer un mural, con un diseño atractivo, que contenga imágenes (en canva hay muchas gratuitas y de temática variada) y explicaciones sobre los temas propuestos (usad v...

Al-Andalus: videos, summary and glossary

The expansion of Islam Between the 7 th  and 9 th  centuries, Muslims in the name of the new Islamic religion, conquered a great empire, which stretched from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic. The Islamic Empire was ruled by a Caliph, who was helped by a number of officials. The evolution of Al-Andalus The conquest of Hispania happened quickly (711–718) because the Muslims took advantage of disputes between the  Visigothic nobility and signed pacts of surrender with them. Al-Andalus became a dependent emirate of  Damascus (718–756) and established its capital in Córdoba. Abd al-Rahman I of the Umayya dynasty created the independent emirate (756–929). Abd al-Rahman III broke his religious obedience to the caliph of  Bagdad and proclaimed the Caliphate of Córdoba (929–1031), which was the golden age of Al-Andalus. The division into taifas (1031–1248) weakened Al-Andalus, which was almost conquered by the Christian kingdoms in th...

La Revolución Industrial

1   ¿QUÉ ES? La  Revolución Industrial , es el proceso de evolución que conduce a una sociedad desde una economía agrícola tradicional hasta otra caracterizada por procesos de producción mecanizados para fabricar bienes a gran escala. Este proceso se produce en distintas épocas dependiendo de cada país. Para los historiadores, el término Revolución Industrial es utilizado exclusivamente para comentar los cambios producidos en Inglaterra desde finales del siglo XVIII; para referirse a su expansión hacia otros países se refieren a la industrialización o desarrollo industrial de los mismos. Algunos autores para referirse al desarrollo capitalista en el último tercio del siglo XX, con nuevas organizaciones empresariales ( trusts, holdings, cárteles), nuevas fuentes energéticas (electricidad, petróleo) y nuevos sistemas de financiación hablan de Segunda Revolución Industrial. 2 LA EXPERIENCIA BRITÁNICA La primera Revolución ...

La fragmentación del mundo antiguo: resumen y vocabulario en inglés y documentales

FRAGMENTATION OF THE ANCIENT WORLD At the beginning of the Middle Ages, there were three great civilisations occupying the lands of the ancient Roman Empire. Germanic tribes conquered the Western Roman Empire from the 5 th  century. In the west, many Germanic kingdoms were established that eventually adopted Roman traditions and the Christian religion. Cities declined after the fall of the Roman Empire, and people moved to the countryside to work the land. Many peasants became serfs by entrusting themselves to a lord in return for protection.  This was the beginning of feudal Europe. Eastern Empire, Byzantium , survived, and after the fall of Rome, the imperial insignia were sent to Constantinople. The Eastern Roman Empire became Hellenised. It was called Byzantium and established its capital in Constantinople. Finally, a new religion called Islam appeared in Arabia in the 7 th  century and spread throughout the south of the Mediterranean, the Iberian Peninsu...

Investigamos un monumento: la Mezquita de Córdoba

Vamos a conocer aspectos de la historia de la Edad Media peninsular a partir de un monumento: la mezquita de Córdoba. Para ello te propongo que te conviertas en turista y “visites” el monumento: veremos imágenes y vídeos, y una vez que la hayamos conocido, nos fascinará tanto que tendremos que conocer más cosas sobre el monumento: sus historia, su contexto, personajes… así que tendremos que investigar y poner por escrito nuestras conclusiones. -PASO 1: la visita Observa las imágenes y visiona el vídeo. PLANO:  https://www.artencordoba.com/mezquita-cordoba/plano-catedral-cristiana.html -PASO 2: la descripción Vamos a seguir los siguientes pasos para describir el monumento, como si hiciéramos una ficha: Fecha o etapas de construcción Lugar de construcción y emplazamiento Materiales empleados Forma de la planta o plano Cómo son las cubiertas internas y externas del edificio Decoración Tipo de edificio y función Por si no sabes responder a alguna de estas preguntas, será necesario que ...

Vocabulary about Prehistory

archaeological site (n): a place where people lived in the past and where there are material remains.  burial (n): the ceremony of putting a dead body in the ground.  Burial cave art (n): prehistoric paintings found on the walls and ceilings of caves.  dolmen (n): a burial chamber made of large standing stones.  hominid (n): a member of the family of mammals that includes humans and their primate ancestors.  Homo sapien (n): the species of modern humans.  hunter-gatherer (n): a prehistoric person who lived by hunting animals and gathering fruit and nuts.  Gathering hunting (n): the activity of catching and killing wild animals for food.  livestock (n.): domesticated animals and birds, such as sheep or chickens, kept for food or trade.  megalith (n): a large standing stone, or group of stones, placed by Prehistoric people as a monument.  metalworking (n): the process of making objects out of metal....