Vocabulary about Prehistory

  • archaeological site (n): a place where people lived in the past and where there are material remains. 
  • burial (n): the ceremony of putting a dead body in the ground. 
  • cave art (n): prehistoric paintings found on the walls and ceilings of caves. 
  • dolmen (n): a burial chamber made of large standing stones. 
  • hominid (n): a member of the family of mammals that includes humans and their primate ancestors. 
  • Homo sapien (n): the species of modern humans. 
  • hunter-gatherer (n): a prehistoric person who lived by hunting animals and gathering fruit and nuts. 
  • hunting (n): the activity of catching and killing wild animals for food. 
  • livestock (n.): domesticated animals and birds, such as sheep or chickens, kept for food or trade. 
  • megalith (n): a large standing stone, or group of stones, placed by Prehistoric people as a monument. 
  • metalworking (n): the process of making objects out of metal. 
  • nomad (n): a member of a group of people with no permanent home, who travel from place to place looking for new sources of food or materia Is. 
  • polishing (n): the process of making the surface of hard materials smooth by rubbing. 
    Polishing stone
  • pottery (n): clay objects, such as pots and cups, used for storing or cooking food.
    Neolithic pottery
  • predator (n): an animal (or person) who hunts, kills and eats other animals. 
  • Prehistory (n): the time before the invention of writing. 
  • settlement (n): a small group of houses. 
    Neolithic settlement
  • smelting (n): the process of using fire to extract metal from rock. 
    Smelting metal
  • stone circle (n): a group of upright stones and horizontal slabs arranged in a circle. 
  • tomb (n): where someone is buried, either in the ground or in a chamber. 
  • tool (n): an object made or used to perform a specific task. 


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La Prehistoria